Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Lijiang. gone. for now. solo travels here i come.

The view on the bus ride from Lijiang to Dali.
Looking out the window beats reading a book!

This is a chinese garbage truck... "Mike why would you take a picture of a chinese garbage truck?" well that's a very good question billy! I'll tell you... there is a story...
Chinese garbage trucks play the same music that ice cream trucks play in Canada...
So my natural reaction to this music was to run to the truck...
In sadness I learned it was no ice cream truck... but a rotten garbage truck.
I relieved my sadness by buying a green bean Popsicle at the local grocery store :o)
note to foreigners in China: garbage trucks are misleading.

This is ANOTHER random kid I battled in Dali. Well we weren't really battling. We were just jumping around and stuff.. we were doing the running long jump but he was just wearing sandles so he kept hurting his feet.. ie: this picture.. hahaha sucker. I won again!!!

This picture is really funny looking. I'm not sure why...

Proud supporter of the Olympic games. Scruffy the dog.

After canoeing for about 30 minutes we got hungry. so as we approached another boat we learned that he was... COOKING FISH ... ON HIS BOAT!!! and so we ate... some of the best BBQ fish ever with mountainous backgrounds and sparkly lakes... ohh shiney!
Don't leave strawberries in your van. Flies infest. (and this picture only captures the flies on the CEILING, imagine how many were flying around me to take this picture.) but don't worry. I just opened my mouth and moved my head around. problem solved :o)

Lijiang food makes mikey (fill in blank)

Barf bag? or SARS horse? (you decide...)
Chinese pimp? or...? I don't know what else he could be.... (you decide?)

"Soo Yo Cha". HEAVEN in tea form. This is the best thing ever. ingredies;Tea with yak's milk butter/oil, nuts, cracked egg, heaven and tea. You haven't lived until you've tried this local specialty. I will miss this forever... this and green bean Popsicles.

The bugs of china.
We'll see about that!
The snow mountain surrounded by... not snowy mountains... real? YES!!! crazy? that's what i'm trying to tell you!!! (@ Tiger Leaping Gorge, Lijiang)

Inspired by the words of jeff prosserman (aka my brother). funny because i was thinking this the whole trip so far and then I saw this sign. spooky.

Look they are ... hugging! (PG 13 censorship)

4506M and climbing. Jade snow mountain, Lijiang. taking a quick break to sip on some oxygen tank air so I don't pass out from breakdancing at an elevation where my head could implode.
Bboying on the snow mountain.
These guys were the guitar player and bongo drummer at a bar we went to. I think they saw me tapping the table while they were playing so they decided to let me play the bongos for about 4 songs. super fun times. mikey's shirt translation: "I heart china"
Eagle... BEFORE it tore my eyes out and ate the skin off my face. (joking...?)

Look it's kitten puppeteering!
(No kittens were harmed in this puppet show... except the one in the picture... just kidding...?)

Johnny kissing a dog.
Baby running around with a chef hat on. it's funny because he couldn't see!

Hey all,

Sorry for so many pictures.
I'm just bored. and it's late. and i'm in hong kong. alone. and everything is closed...
and i needed to share my lijiang experience

I'm now in Hong Kong and I've already started to long for Lijiang!!!
Natural beauty.
Blue skies.
Running water.
More mountains.
Preserved ancient architecture.
Did i mention there were mountains?

Lijiang is my new 2nd home.
If possible I would teach English there for a few months.
Maybe 1 semester of english schooling.
and break dancing.
spreading UNITY to small town Lijiang.
have battles on the mountains.
this is NOT only a dream.
anything is possible.

anyways enough of my ranting.

enjoy the pictures.
MMMMMmmmm pictures.

PS I love all of your comments... for example: Adrian, Jeff, Julla, Booby & Zaidy, Shrek, Jordan, and all the other one off or anonymous posters I heart you all. (your comments make me smile... and smiling makes me happy... and happiness, is nice.)

love a dove dove.

- Mikey Mike and the funky bunch


Anonymous said...

Hey Mike! Keep up with the pictures, they're great! Have fun in HK! I so wish we could all be there again. Try and get our egg tarts! They're on the same street 40M took us back home.

julz said...

I enjoy lots of pictures! always put lots of pictures!

The pimp guy was awesome....and i loved the dogs haha...they were looking directly into the camera, almost like they were thinking "oh shit, we were caught in the act"...or "oh crap, i hope my boyfriend doesn't see that picture" hahah

anywho, keep the pictures coming (aka...keep making the rest of us jealous!)


Anonymous said...

Hey, i know that you've arrived at hk, but you did neither give me a call or send me an email

Anonymous said...

Obviously you forgot to give me a shout out in your post BUT I forgive you because of your huge picture post this time around! hahaha your random canoe + bbq fish story is awesome! I hope one day I will be able to experience such cool randomness too...!

Anonymous said...

See ya in HK

Anonymous said...

YOu got to funniest pictures! lol
1)kid running blindly with a chef hat
2)horse barf bag
3) Chinese garbage truck that plays a jolly melody
4) Chinese pimp with long ass cane/pipe(?)

Have fun solo travelling!

Anonymous said...

awww i loved the pics!
my fave is the little boy aspiring to be a chef. one day he shall grow into that hat. :)

Anonymous said...

Amazing pictures Mikey! I can see you are having such an incredibly fun time there and I wish we could all be there with you!! Haha i love your comments on all the photos... how do you come up with such greatness?

Anonymous said...

wow lol i didn't know johnny went back too xD looks like you're enjoying China~ i didn't get to go this summer afterall :(