Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Guilin... Beautiful.

The best kind of caves to visit.

they are... sleeping. Menu picture. don't worry I didn't order this.


My sweet new hat

Our Classy hostel closet.

Good to know.

At the top of a Guilin mountain

I made this old lady's day. She was collecting water bottles so I chugged mine and gave it to her. Wierdly awesomely awesome.

Why I love Guilin.

Hey Blog Folk!

Just wanted to share with you my first experiences in China in Guilin for our first 4 days in China. Off to Yanshuo soon. Thank me later for this because the internet here is SOOOO slow and uploading pictures is quite painful. Especially at 1am after climbing mountains all day.

Mock conversation between you and I:
Thanks Mike! (you)
No sweat chum! (me)
I can't wait for your next post! (you)
and I can't wait to share it with you. (me)
(conversation over)

Food... AMAZING.
Sights... UNREAL.
People... LOVE TO STARE.

Enjoy the view!


- Mikeeey


julz said...

- why did you show the food :(
- AWESOME hat! (you're gonna have a hat collection by the end of your trip!)
- beautiful, the last picture is my favorite

Anonymous said...

Im so disappointed you didn't eat the sleeping chicken! Great photos dude, keep 'em coming.


RiDDLEz said...

...That was so sweet of you to chug your water for that old lady!

Those signs are awesome..."Caution:Danger" LMAO


Fundamentally Sound... said...

Yo that pic on those giant lily pad thingys is sweet. Looks like you are having a good time. I know what you mean about the staring. I still never got used to it, I just tried to picture myself as a foreign rockstar as the reason for the staring. Holla!

jeff said...

it's friday night. in new york city. where will i be. in 6 hours. in front of imac. my ipod charges. before hitting the gym. then taking the city. for all it's worth. breathe deep. dodging to east village bars. singing my heart out. waiting for that first shot. before that last shot. before saying goodbye to new friends. saying goodbye again. and we crash. and we twirl. until brunch tomorrow. these feeble memories. stay strong. after words. and pictures. are gone. /jp

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike!

Cool pictures! Just like the Chinglish book! Are you eating your cereal over there?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately no cereal out here.

i will eat something crazy soon... super crazy. i promise.

Jeff. your posts rock.
rock a lot.

bye guys.

Anonymous said...

I'm loving the toilet cave loL! You should makea collection of weird signs!